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No. | ▶Affiliation | ▲Title | ▶Name | ▶Research Field |
101 |
Professor |
Electromagnetic Wave Engineering, Antenna Engineering, Millimeter-wave and Terahertz Techniques |
102 |
Professor |
103 |
Professor |
SANO Akihito |
Robotics and intelligent system Mechanics and mechatronics |
104 |
Professor |
SATO Atsushi |
Structural Engineering |
105 |
Professor |
SATO Hisashi |
Structural materials and functional materials Metals production and resources production Material processing and microstructure control Composite materials and interfaces Mechanics of materials and materials Nanomaterials |
106 |
Professor |
SATO Jun |
Perceptual information processing Intelligent informatics |
107 | Department of Fundamental Study |
Professor |
SEGUCHI Masahisa |
Philosophy and ethics |
108 |
Professor |
109 |
Professor |
Intelligent informatics Web informatics and service informatics Library and information science, humanistic and social informatics |
110 |
Professor |
SOGA Tetsuo |
Electric and electronic materials Electron device and electronic equipment Thin film/surface and interfacial physical properties |
111 |
Professor |
SUGITA Shukei |
Biomedical engineering Biomaterials |
112 |
Professor |
SUMI Katsunori |
Educational psychology Clinical psychology Social psychology Library and information science, humanistic and social informatics |
113 |
Professor |
Civil engineering plan and transportation engineering |
114 |
Professor |
TAKADA Kazutake |
Electron device and electronic equipment Functional solid state chemistry Analytical chemistry Fundamental physical chemistry |
115 |
Professor |
116 |
Professor |
TAKASU Akinori |
Polymer chemistry |
117 | Department of Fundamental Study |
Professor |
TAKEDA Tatsuya |
European literature Aesthetics and art studies Other |
118 |
Professor |
TAKESHITA Takaharu |
Power engineering Control and system engineering |
119 | Information Technology Center |
Professor |
Theory of informatics Intelligent informatics Measurement engineering Communication and network engineering Disaster prevention engineering Computer system |
120 |
Professor |
Perceptual information processing |
121 |
Professor |
TAMANO Shinji |
Fluid Engineering |
122 |
Professor |
TANAKA Gouhei |
Soft computing Mathematical informatics |
123 |
Professor |
TANAKA Yoshihiro |
Mechanics and mechatronics Perceptual information processing Kansei informatics Robotics and intelligent system |
124 | Department of Fundamental Study Center for Research and Development in Higher Engineering-Education |
Professor |
Cognitive science Experimental psychology Educational psychology |
125 |
Professor |
TOKUDA Keiichi |
Perceptual information processing |
126 | Frontier Laboratory |
Professor |
TSUKIJI Shinya |
Chemistry and chemical methodology of biomolecules Chemical biology Bio chemistry |
127 |
Professor |
TSUMURA Tomoaki |
Computer system High performance computing Theory of informatics Intelligent informatics |
128 | Information Technology Center |
Professor |
UCHIYA Takahiro |
Intelligent informatics Computer system |
129 | Department of Fundamental Study Center for Research and Development in Higher Engineering-Education |
Professor |
UEHARA Naoto |
Sociology of education Education |
130 |
Professor |
WADAYAMA Tadashi |
Communication and network engineering |
131 |
Professor |
WANG Jianqing |
Communication and network engineering |
132 |
Professor |
Risk Management, Business Continuity Management, Critical Infrastructure Management Risk Management, Business Continuity Management, Critical Infrastructure Protection Risk Management, Business Continuity Management, Critical Infrastructure Management |
133 |
Professor |
WATANABE Takeshi |
Fluid engineering Atmospheric and hydrospheric sciences Mathematical physics and fundamental theory of condensed matter physics |
134 |
Professor |
WATANABE Yoshimi |
Material processing and microstructure control Composite materials and interfaces Metallic material properties Manufacturing and production engineering |
135 |
Professor |
YAMADA Manabu |
Control and system engineering Mechanics and mechatronics |
136 | Department of Computer Science |
Professor |
YAMAGISHI Masakazu |
Algebra |
137 |
Professor |
Pharmaceutical chemistry and drug development sciences |
138 |
Professor |
YASUI Shinji |
Power engineering Environmental load reduction and remediation Environmental materials and recycle technology |
139 | Department of Fundamental Study Center for Research and Development in Higher Engineering-Education |
Professor |
English linguistics Linguistics |
140 | Center for Research on Assistive Technology for Building a New Community |
Professor |
YOKOYAMA Junichi |
Control and system engineering Nutrition science and health science Hygiene and public health (laboratory) Social systems engineering Hygiene and public health (non-laboratory) Safety engineering |
141 | Department of Fundamental Study Center for Research and Development in Higher Engineering-Education |
Professor |
Linguistics English linguistics |
142 |
Associate Professor |
ABE Koji |
143 |
Associate Professor |
ANZAI Daisuke |
Communication and network engineering |
144 |
Associate Professor |
AOKI Mutsumi |
Power engineering |
145 | Instrument and Research Technology Center |
Associate Professor |
ASAKA Toru |
146 |
Associate Professor |
CHIKAMI Noboru |
147 |
Associate Professor |
DAIKO Yusuke |
Glass science and chemistry |
148 | Department of Fundamental Study |
Associate Professor |
Comparative Literature |
149 |
Associate Professor |
FUKUSHIMA Norishige |
Perceptual information processing Communication and network engineering |
150 | Information Technology Center |
Associate Professor |
Human interface and interaction |