Affiliation Department |
社会工学科 経営システム分野
Title |
Professor |
External Link |
Master (Engineering) ( Nagoya Institute of Technology )
Doctor (Engineering) ( Nagoya Institute of Technology )
Research Interests
Cooperation system
System Thinking
Systems Engineering
Research Areas
Manufacturing Technology (Mechanical Engineering, Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Chemical Engineering) / Control and system engineering
Life Science / Nutrition science and health science
Life Science / Hygiene and public health (laboratory)
Social Infrastructure (Civil Engineering, Architecture, Disaster Prevention) / Social systems engineering
Life Science / Hygiene and public health (non-laboratory)
From School
Nagoya Institute of Technology Faculty of Engineering Graduated
- 1994.03
From Graduate School
Nagoya Institute of Technology Graduate School, Division of Engineering Doctor's Course Completed
- 1999.03
Professional Memberships
Japan Management Diagnosis Association
Japan Association for Medical Informatics
Japan Society for Inforrmation and management
Research Career
(not selected)
Project Year: 2003.04
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year: 2018.04 - 2021.03
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year: 2017.04 - 2021.03
Health and Labour Sciences Research Grants
Project Year: 2017.04 - 2020.03
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year: 2014.04 - 2018.03
Promoting DX in Small and Medium Enterprises from the Perspective of Business Analysis Reviewed
Atsushi Hattori, Junichi Yokoyama
Journal of Japan Management Diagnosis Association 24 70 - 76 2024.12
Authorship:Last author Language:Japanese Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal) Publisher:Japan Management Diagnosis Association
DOI: 10.11287/jmda.24.70
Impact of Health and Productivity Management Initiatives in Small and Medium Enterprises on Human Resource Retention Reviewed
Shunsuke Sawatari, Junichi Yokoyama
Journal of Japan Management Diagnosis Association 24 84 - 90 2024.12
Authorship:Last author Language:Japanese Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal) Publisher:Japan Management Diagnosis Association
DOI: 10.11287/jmda.24.84
Relationship between Health Awareness and Events/Services That Contribute to Health Reviewed
Junichi Yokoyama
Journal of Japan Management Diagnosis Association 24 77 - 83 2024.12
Authorship:Lead author Language:Japanese Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal) Publisher:Japan Management Diagnosis Association
DOI: 10.11287/jmda.24.77
Consideration of Alleviating the Burden on Doctors in Home Medical Care in Toyota City:Focusing on the System to Support Home Medical Care Reviewed
Masahiro Ichino, Junichi Yokoyama
Journal of Japan Management Diagnosis Association 23 76 - 82 2023.12
Authorship:Last author Language:Japanese Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal) Publisher:Japan Management Diagnosis Association
DOI: 10.11287/jmda.23.76
Issues for Social Implementation of the Support Information System to Promote Collaboration Between Community Health and Occupational Health Reviewed
Junichi Yokoyama
Journal of Japan Management Diagnosis Association 23 62 - 68 2023.11
Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author Language:Japanese Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal) Publisher:Japan Management Diagnosis Association
DOI: 10.11287/jmda.23.62
Is Health and Productivity Management Effective for Solving Management Issuesof Small and Medium Enterprises? Reviewed
Koki Nishizaki, Junichi Yokoyama
Journal of Japan Management Diagnosis Association 23 49 - 55 2023.11
Authorship:Last author Language:Japanese Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal) Publisher:Japan Management Diagnosis Association
DOI: 10.11287/jmda.23.49
Issues Surrounding the Governance of Long-Term Care Service Providers: Governance of Social Welfare Corporations and Long-Term Care Service Companies Reviewed
Hatsue Yoshida, Junichi Yokoyama
Journal of Japan Management Diagnosis Association 22 76 - 81 2023.04
Language:Japanese Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal) Publisher:Japan Management Diagnosis Association
DOI: 10.11287/jmda.22.76
Establising a Collaborative System of Health and Welfare Department with Other Departments in the Local Government for Health Promotion Reviewed
Yuka Sawada, Junichi Yokoyama
Journal of Japan Management Diagnosis Association 22 48 - 54 2023.03
Authorship:Corresponding author Language:Japanese Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal) Publisher:Japan Management Diagnosis Association
DOI: 10.11287/jmda.22.48
Development of a Support Information System to Promote Collaboration Between Community Health and Occupational Health to Improve the Productivity of Health Services Reviewed
Junichi Yokoyama
Journal of Japan Management Diagnosis Association 22 41 - 47 2023.03
Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author Language:Japanese Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal) Publisher:Japan Management Diagnosis Association
DOI: 10.11287/jmda.22.41
Analysis of Health Support for Small-Scale Enterprises: Focus on Cooperation between the Public Health Center and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry Reviewed
Koki Nishizaki, Junichi Yokoyama
Journal of Japan Management Diagnosis Association 22 55 - 61 2023.03
Authorship:Corresponding author Language:Japanese Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal) Publisher:Japan Management Diagnosis Association
DOI: 10.11287/jmda.22.55
Books and Other Publications
日本経営診断学会編( Role: Joint editor)
同友館 2015.05 ( ISBN:9784496051302 )
Language:jpn Book type:Scholarly book
災害に強いまちづくり― 企業・産業・地域の減災にむけて
名古屋工業大学産業防災研究会編( Role: Joint editor)
グラベルロード 2011.04 ( ISBN:9784905283003 )
経営システム工学研究会( Role: Joint author)
三恵社 2009.04 ( ISBN:978-4883616909 )
-( Role: Joint author)
篠原出版新社 2007.04 ( ISBN:9784884123031 )
Reflecting on Japanese COVID-19 countermeasures with systems thinking Invited
Junichi Yokoyama
( 6 ) 14 - 42 2021.11
Language:Japanese Publishing type:Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (scientific journal)
地域・職域連携を推進するためのシステムづくり : システム工学の視点から Invited
72 ( 2 ) 140 - 145 2016.02
Authorship:Lead author Language:Japanese Publishing type:Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (trade magazine, newspaper, online media) Publisher:医学書院
Facilitation of Information sharing within the Neighborhood Association and its Evaluation: Focusing on the Membership Electronic Bulletin Board
Matsuzuka Tomoki, Yokoyama Junichi
57th Annual Conference of Japan Management Diagnosis Association Japan Management Diagnosis Association
Event date: 2024.10
Language:Japanese Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)
Venue:Aichi Institute of Technology Country:Japan
Analysis of the Current State of 24-Hour Home Nursing Services
Yokoyama Junichi
57th Annual Conference of Japan Management Diagnosis Association Japan Management Diagnosis Association
Event date: 2024.10
Language:Japanese Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)
Venue:Aichi Institute of Technology Country:Japan
Perspectives of an independent evaluation system for social welfare corporations
Yoshida Hatsue, Yokoyama Junichi
57th Annual Conference of Japan Management Diagnosis Association Japan Management Diagnosis Association
Event date: 2024.10
Language:Japanese Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)
Venue:Aichi Institute of Technology Country:Japan
study on the State of Local Communities from the Perspective of the Current Situation of Town Councils and Condominium Associations
Kokubo Nami, Yokoyama Junichi
57th Annual Conference of Japan Management Diagnosis Association Japan Management Diagnosis Association
Event date: 2024.10
Language:Japanese Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)
Venue:Aichi Institute of Technology Country:Japan
Verification and Challenges of Multidisciplinary Information Collaboration in Home Health Care
Hattori Atsushi, Yokoyama Junichi
57th Annual Conference of Japan Management Diagnosis Association Japan Management Diagnosis Association
Event date: 2024.10
Language:Japanese Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)
Venue:Aichi Institute of Technology Country:Japan
A Study of Penetration Measures of Health Management in Small and Medium Enterprises: Focusing on Actual Conditions and Outcomes
Sawatari Shunsuke, Yokoyama Junichi
57th Annual Conference of Japan Management Diagnosis Association Japan Management Diagnosis Association
Event date: 2024.10
Language:Japanese Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)
Venue:Aichi Institute of Technology Country:Japan
Relationship between fan activity and physical activity for athletes
Mizutani Kosei, Yokoyama Junichi
57th Annual Conference of Japan Management Diagnosis Association Japan Management Diagnosis Association
Event date: 2024.10
Language:Japanese Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)
Venue:Aichi Institute of Technology Country:Japan
Analysis of Trends in Food Losses in University Cafeterias: A case Study of Nagoya Institute of Technology
Shimizu Yuuki, Yokoyama Junichi
57th Annual Conference of Japan Management Diagnosis Association Japan Management Diagnosis Association
Event date: 2024.10
Language:Japanese Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)
Venue:Aichi Institute of Technology Country:Japan
Analysis of Food Access in Kozoji New Town
Ito Takumi, Yokoyama Junichi
57th Annual Conference of Japan Management Diagnosis Association Japan Management Diagnosis Association
Event date: 2024.10
Language:Japanese Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)
Venue:Aichi Institute of Technology Country:Japan
市野雅大, 横山淳一
日本経営診断学会第56回全国大会 日本経営診断学会
Event date: 2023.10
Language:Japanese Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)
Venue:法政大学 Country:Japan
学会賞 最優秀賞
2008.11 日本経営診断学会
山本勝, 横山淳一, 永井昌寛
Award type:Award from Japanese society, conference, symposium, etc. Country:Japan
Scientific Research Funds Acquisition Results
2018.04 - 2021.03
科学研究費補助金 基盤研究(C)
横山 淳一、永井 昌寛
2014.04 - 2018.03
科学研究費補助金 基盤研究(C)
横山 淳一、永井 昌寛
Authorship:Principal investigator
2008.04 - 2010.03
科学研究費補助金 若手研究(B)
横山 淳一
Authorship:Principal investigator
2003.04 - 2005.03
科学研究費補助金 若手研究(B)
横山 淳一
Authorship:Principal investigator
Past of Commissioned Research
2024.06 - 2025.03
一般社団法人 豊田加茂医師会 General Consignment Study
横山 淳一
Authorship:Principal investigator
Grant amount:\1150000 ( Direct Cost: \884615 、 Indirect Cost:\265385 )
2023.08 - 2024.03
一般社団法人 豊田加茂医師会 General Consignment Study
横山 淳一
Authorship:Principal investigator
Grant amount:\300000 ( Direct Cost: \230769 、 Indirect Cost:\69231 )
Committee Memberships
日本経営診断学会 論文編集委員
2022.09 - 2024.09
Committee type:Academic society
日本経営診断学会 理事
2020.10 - 2024.09
Committee type:Academic society
豊田市医療対策懇話会 座長
Committee type:Municipal
名古屋市療養サービス事業団評議会 評議員
Committee type:Other
日本経営診断学会 理事
2014.10 - 2018.09
Committee type:Academic society
日本経営診断学会 理事
2009.10 - 2012.09
Committee type:Academic society