SUMI Katsunori


Affiliation Department

社会工学科 経営システム分野
工学専攻 経営システムプログラム



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  • Master of Engineering ( Nagoya Institute of Technology )

  • Doctor (Engineering) ( Nagoya Institute of Technology )

Research Areas

  • Humanities & Social Sciences / Educational psychology

  • Humanities & Social Sciences / Clinical psychology

  • Humanities & Social Sciences / Social psychology

  • Humanities & Social Sciences / Library and information science, humanistic and social informatics

From School

  • Nagoya Institute of Technology   Faculty of Engineering   Graduated

    - 1988.03

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From Graduate School

  • Nagoya Institute of Technology   Graduate School, Division of Engineering   Master's Course   Completed

    1988.04 - 1990.03

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External Career

  • Aichi Cancer Center

    1990.04 - 1992.03

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Research Career

  • Well-beingの諸側面と要因の探究

    Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research  

    Project Year: 2010.04

  • ウェルビーイングにおけるストレングスの役割の究明

    (not selected)  

    Project Year: 2010.01

  • Interests in Language Learning Motivation

    Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research  

    Project Year: 2008.04

  • Relationships between Social Problem-Solving Ability and Communication Skills

    (not selected)  

    Project Year: 2008.04

  • Evaluation of Information Resources in Problem Solving Process

    (not selected)  

    Project Year: 2000.04 - 2008.03

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  • Japanese translation and validation of the Short Grit Scale (Grit-S) Reviewed International journal

    Katsunori Sumi

    Psychology Applications & Developments X [peer reviewed publication]   2024.12

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:inScience Press  

    Grit has recently attracted the attention of researchers and practitioners. However, studies have reported inconsistent findings regarding its dimensionality and association with success outcomes. This study examined the reliability and construct validity of a new Japanese translation of the Short Grit Scale (Grit-S-J), a brief self-report measure of grit, in a sample of 276 Japanese college students (88 women, 188 men; mean age = 20.81 years, SD = 0.89). Exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses supported the two-factor structure comprising perseverance of effort and consistency of interests. The total Grit-S-J and its two subscales showed adequate internal consistency and 4-week test–retest reliability. Construct validity was supported by expected correlations with scores for personality traits (self-control, Big-Five personality traits, and vitality), hedonic and eudaimonic well-being, and mental health (psychological stress, depression, and anxiety). Meanwhile, discriminant validity of the Grit-S-J was suggested by partial correlations between scores on the Grit-S-J, well-being measures, and mental health measures, after controlling for scores for either self-control or conscientiousness. Overall, the findings preliminarily support the usefulness of the Grit-S-J in grit research in the Japanese population.

  • The influence of interest in Arab culture and Arabic learning motivation on Arabic learning outcome: A study of non-Arabic majors in Japanese universities Reviewed

    Katsunori Sumi, Akiko Sumi

    JAFLE Bulletin   ( 27 )   2024.11

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Japan Association of Foreign Language Education  

    Interest in Arab culture should play an essential role in learning Arabic for Japanese university students. However, due to a lack of research on this topic, the relationship between interest in Arab culture, motivation to learn Arabic, and learning outcomes remains unclear. This study aimed to examine the influence of interest in Arab culture and Arabic learning motivation on learning outcomes for non-Arabic majors in Japanese universities. Based on the self-determination theory, Arabic learning motivation is classified into three types: amotivation, controlled motivation, and autonomous motivation. The learning outcomes were subjective achievement and learning satisfaction in Arabic learning.
    The participants were 257 non-Arabic majors (59.53% women; mean age 20.56 years) from 10 universities. They answered a survey questionnaire, which included the 12-item Interest in Arabic Culture Scale, the 15-item Arabic Learning Motivation Questionnaire, the three-item Subjective Arabic Learning Achievement Scale, and the three-item Arabic Learning Satisfaction Scale. The hypothesized influence was examined using structural equation modeling.
    The findings were presented in a model with three paths, depicting connections between interest in Arab culture and Arabic learning motivation, and then learning outcomes. These paths showed that (1) interest in Arab culture negatively influenced amotivation to learn Arabic, which in turn negatively influenced subjective achievement; (2) interest in Arab culture negatively influenced controlled motivation to learn Arabic, which in turn positively influenced subjective achievement; and (3) interest in Arab culture positively influenced autonomous motivation to learn Arabic, which in turn positively influenced learning satisfaction. There were no differences in the model by sex. These results support the importance of interest in Arab culture for successful Arabic learning among Japanese students. Educational implications of the results and future issues are also discussed.

  • A cross-cultural evaluation of Diener’s tripartite model of subjective well-being across 16 countries Reviewed International coauthorship International journal

    Jovanovic, V., Rudnev, M., Aryanto, C. B., Balgiu, B. A., Caudek, C., Datu, J. A. D., Guse, T., Kyriazos, T., Lambert, L., Mishra, K. K., Puente-Diaz, R., Rice, S. P. M., Singh, K., Sumi, K., Tong, K. K., Yaaquib, S. I., Yildirim, M., Kocjan, G. Z., & Zemojtel-Piotrowska, M.

    Journal of Happiness Studies   25   82   2024.08

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Springer  

    Subjective well-being (SWB) is a multidimensional construct with three components (i.e., life satisfaction, positive affect, and negative affect) comprising the tripartite model. Yet, despite numerous studies in the field of SWB, the cross-cultural validity of the tripartite structure is still largely unknown. The present study evaluated competing models of SWB’s structure across 16 countries (N = 8860 undergraduate students; age range = 18–29 years; 63.6% female) and examined its measurement invariance using both exact and approximate approaches. The exploratory structural equation model (ESEM) of tripartite SWB that allowed small cross-loadings provided the best fit to the data in the majority of countries, and it demonstrated a high level of approximate invariance, which allows for a comparison of means across countries. A bifactor model with an omitted Positive Affect factor also fit well in all samples making the measurement of the general SWB possible; however, it was less robust for cross-cultural comparisons. The correlations between the three latent SWB factors were consistent across most countries, with a few meaningful exceptions. We conclude that ESEM model represents the tripartite structure of SWB robustly both within and across countries.


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  • Relationships between interest in Arabic culture and autonomy in motivation for learning Arabic among Arabic language majors in Japanese universities Reviewed International journal

    Katsunori Sumi, Akiko Sumi

    Global Culture Review   15 ( 1 )   43 - 63   2024.04

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Korea Association of Global Culture  

    Interest in Arab culture is both a trigger and an impetus to learn Arabic for most students majoring in that language at Japanese universities. However, due to a lack of research on this topic, the relationship between interest in Arab culture and motivation to learn Arabic remains unclear. This study aimed to clarify the relationship between interest in Arab culture and autonomous in motivation to learn Arabic among Arabic majors in Japanese universities.
    A questionnaire survey was administered to 174 Arabic majors from two Japanese universities (65.5% women). The participants completed the 12-item Interest in Arab Culture Scale and the 15-item Arabic Learning Motivation Questionnaire. Data from the survey were statistically analyzed.
    The results of structural equation modeling showed a positive and statistically significant path coefficient from interest in Arab culture to autonomy in motivation, after controlling for sex and age, indicating that the hypothesized path model was supported. Despite some limitations, these results have implications for the role of interest in Arab culture in teaching and learning Arabic in Japan.


  • Relationships between interest in Arab culture and Arabic learning motivation among Arabic learners: An approach using the self-determination theory for college students in Japan Reviewed

    Katsunori Sumi, Akiko Sumi

    Journal of Arabic and Islamic studies   ( 21 )   1 - 14   2023.08

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Kansai Association of Arab Studies  

    The purpose of this study was to examine a relationship between interest in Arab culture and Arabic learning motivation among students who were taking Arabic language courses in Japanese universities. Based on the self-determination theory, Arabic learning motivation was classified into three types: amotivation, controlled motivation, and au-tonomous motivation. The students was categorized into three major groups: Arabic, non-Arabic and foreign language, and non-foreign language major students. The data obtained from a questionnaire survey were statistically analyzed to examine five hy-potheses about interest in Arab culture and Arabic learning motivation. The participants were 553 students (68.4% women, mean age 20.68 years), including 190 Arabic, 183 non-Arabic and foreign language, and 180 non-foreign language major students. The questionnaire included the 12-item Interest in Arabic Culture Scale and the 15-item Arabic Learning Motivation Questionnaire.
    Although there were some differences in mean scores for the measures between the three major groups, the hypotheses about the differences were partly supported. The relationships between interest in Arab culture and the types of Arabic learning motiva-tion were assessed by using second-order partial correlation analysis to control for the effect of the remaining types of motivation. The results indicated that scores on the Interest in Arabic Culture Scale were correlated negatively with amotivation scores, statistically non-significantly with controlled motivation, and positively with autono-mous motivation, thus supporting the hypotheses of these correlations. In addition, there were no differences in these correlations between the major groups. These results provide preliminary support for the important role of interest in Arab culture for successful Ar-abic language learning among Japanese students. Implications of the findings for how to maintain and enhance students’ interest in Arab culture are discussed.

  • Relationship between interest in Arab culture and orientations toward Arabic language learning among Japanese university students Reviewed International journal

    Katsunori Sumi & Akiko Sumi

    Global Culture Review   14 ( 1 )   1 - 21   2023.04

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    Interest in Arab culture is the reason starting and advancing the learning of the Arabic language for most students at Japanese universities. Orientation, which refers to the reason for learning a foreign language, has received considerable attention in the literature. The purpose of this study was to examine the relationships between interest in Arab culture and the five types of orientation toward learning Arabic (integrative, instrumental, friendship, travel, and knowledge orientation) among Arabic major and non-Arabic major students in Japanese universities.
    The participants in the questionnaire survey were 571 Japanese university students comprising two major groups: 292 Arabic major students (70.2% women) and 279 non-Arabic major students (68.8% women). The questionnaire included the Interest in Arab Culture Scale and the Orientations toward Arabic Language Learning Scale.
    The results of statistical analysis indicated that instrumental orientation was significantly higher for Arabic major students than that for non-Arabic major students, whereas the other orientation types and interest in Arab culture were not significantly differences between the two major groups. Additionally, interest in Arab culture was significantly and positively correlated with all types of orientation. There were no significant differences in the relationships between the major groups.



  • Interest in Arab culture and motivation for learning Arabic: The influence of interest on autonomy in motivation among Japanese university students Reviewed International journal

    Katsunori Sumi & Akiko Sumi

    Global Culture Review   13 ( 1 )   31 - 51   2022.04

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Korea Association of Global Culture  

    Most Japanese university students who start learning Arabic do so as they have a notable interest in Arab culture and tend to keep the interest. However, little is known about the relationship between the interest in Arab culture and the motivation to learn Arabic. The purpose of this study was to examine the influence of interest in Arab culture on autonomy in motivation to learn Arabic among university students learning Arabic in Japan, based on the self-determination theory.
    A questionnaire study was conducted among 491 non-Arabic language major students, taking Arabic classes in Japanese universities (64.2% women). The participants completed the 12-item Interest in Arab Culture Scale and the 15-item Arabic Learning Motivation Questionnaire. The data obtained were statistically analyzed using structural equation modeling.
    The results indicated that the path coefficient from interest in Arab culture to autonomy in motivation was positive and statistically significant after controlling for differences in sex and age. These results support the hypothesized path model which describes the influence of students’ interest in Arab culture on autonomy in motivation. Despite several limitations, the findings provide pragmatic suggestions for teaching and learning of Arabic in Japan.

    DOI: 10.22923/kgegme.2022.13.1.31

  • Measurement invariance of the Scale of Positive and Negative Experience (SPANE) across 13 countries Reviewed International coauthorship International journal

    Jovanovic, V., Joshanloo, M., Carbonell. M. M., Caudek, C. Espejo, B. Esquiva, I. C., Krasko, J., Kyriazos, T., Piotrowski, J., Rice, S. P. M., Silva, A., J., Singh, K., Sumi, K., Tong, K., K., Yildirim, M., & Zemojtel-Piotrowska, M.

    Assessment   28   2021.06

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Sage  

    The Scale of Positive and Negative Experience (SPANE) is widely used to measure emotional experiences, but not much is known about its cross-cultural utility. The present study evaluated the measurement invariance of the SPANE across adult samples (total N = 12,635; age range = 18-85 years; 58.2% female) from 13 countries (China, Colombia, Germany, Greece, India, Italy, Japan, Poland, Portugal, Serbia, Spain, Turkey, and the United States). The original two-factor model of the SPANE provided an acceptable fit in most countries, except Colombia, Spain, and Turkey, in which adequate fit was achieved by adding correlated residuals. The weakest negative correlations between positive and negative affect were found in East and South Asian countries, whereas negative correlations were largest in Germany and Turkey. Configural and partial scalar invariance of the SPANE were supported. Three items capturing specific negative emotions (sad, afraid, and angry) were found to be culturally non-invariant. Our findings suggest that the SPANE’s positive emotion terms and general negative emotion terms (e.g., negative, unpleasant) might be more suitable for cross-cultural studies on emotions and well-being, whereas caution is needed when comparing countries using the SPANE’s specific negative emotion items.

    DOI: 10.1177/10731911211021494

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  • Attention to and support of students' basic psychological needs among Arabic language teachers at Japanese universities Reviewed International journal

    Katsunori Sumi & Akiko M. Sumi

    Global Culture Review   12 ( 1 )   79 - 95   2021.04

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Korea Association of Global Culture  

    Although scientific research on Arabic language teaching and learning in Japan is gradually emerging, there is still little knowledge about the characteristics of Arabic language teachers in Japanese universities that influence Arabic language teaching and learning. Based on self-determination theory, it can be assumed that the satisfaction of basic psychological needs (need satisfaction) can favorably affect self-determined motivation and learning outcomes in students. Therefore, it is crucial that teachers provide support for need satisfaction (need support) to their students. The present study aimed to examine the attention to and support of students' basic psychological needs (i.e., autonomy, competence, and relatedness) among Arabic language teachers at Japanese universities. A self-reported questionnaire was anonymously administered to 22 Arabic language teachers at Japanese universities. All the teachers were Japanese, and were not native Arabic speakers. The teachers were estimated to make up at least 30% of all the Arabic language teachers at Japanese universities. The results of the statistical analysis showed statistically significant differences in the teachers' attention to students' competence and the teachers' support of students' competence between scores for each measure and the midpoint of the scale. However, these differences were slight. In addition, there were positive correlations between scores for the teachers' attention to and support of the same basic psychological need. The results of this study will advance the knowledge on the characteristics of Arabic language teachers necessary for improving Arabic language teaching and learning in Japan.

    DOI: 10.22923/kgcgmc.2021.12.1.79

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  • The mutual influence of well-being and social problem-solving: An analysis of longitudinal data from colege students Reviewed

    Katsunori Sumi

    Journal of Educational and Health Science   66 ( 1 )   37 - 46   2020.08

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Japanese Society of Education and Health Science  


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Books and Other Publications

  • Psychology Applications & Developments IX [peer reviewed publication] Reviewed

    Katsunori Sumi( Role: Contributor ,  Translation, reliability, and construct validity of the Japanese version of the Attitudes Toward Forgiveness Scale)

    inScience Press  2024.02  ( ISBN:9789893510674

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    Total pages:253   Responsible for pages:3-14   Language:eng   Book type:Scholarly book

    Although numerous forgiveness measures have been developed, only a few are useful for assessing the value of forgiveness. This study examined the reliability and construct validity of the Japanese translation (ATF-J) of the six-item Attitudes Toward Forgiveness Scale to assess individuals’ value of forgiveness. The participants were 234 Japanese college students (39.3% women; mean age = 20.85 years, SD = 1.27) who completed the questionnaire on two occasions separated by four weeks. The one-factor structure of the ATF-J was confirmed through exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis. Internal consistency reliability (Cronbach’s αs = .71 and .73) and test–retest reliability over a 4-week period (r = .61) were acceptable. Construct validity was supported by the expected correlations with scores for dispositional forgiveness of others, hedonic and eudaimonic well-being, psychological stress, trait empathy, and trait anger. However, contrary to expectations, no significant correlations were found between ATF-J scores and depression and anxiety symptom scores. Overall, these findings provide preliminary support for the reliability and construct validity of the ATF-J. Therefore, the ATF-J is a useful tool for assessing the value of forgiveness in the Japanese population.


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  • Positive psychology and positive education in Asia: Understanding and fostering well-being in schools [peer reviewed publication] Reviewed

    Katsunori Sumi, Akiko Sumi( Role: Contributor ,  Need support and need satisfaction in Arabic language classes in Japanese universities from the viewpoint of self-determination theory)

    Springer  2023.12  ( ISBN:9789819955701

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    Total pages:389   Responsible for pages:175-191   Language:eng   Book type:Scholarly book

    According to the self-determination theory, teachers’ support for the satisfaction of students’ basic psychological needs is valuable in promoting students’ well-being. However, most Japanese university teachers, especially Arabic language teachers, seem to perform support behaviors to facilitate student motivation and achievement in class rather than their well-being. This study mainly aimed to examine the influence of Arabic language teachers’ support (need support) on Arabic language students’ satisfaction (need satisfaction) in Japanese universities using longitudinal data. Additionally, a new measure to assess Arabic language students’ perceived need support was created. The results of the analysis of the data from 324 Arabic language students showed a positive relationship between perceived need support and further need satisfaction. The results also provide preliminary support for the new scale of perceived need support as a reliable and valid measure. Limitations of the study, directions for future research, and implications for Arabic language teachers’ need support are discussed.


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  • Psychology Applications & Developments VIII [peer reviewed publication] Reviewed

    Katsunori Sumi( Role: Contributor ,  A Japanese version of the Tendency to Forgive Scale: Translation, reliability and construct validity [peer reviewed publication])

    inScience Press  2022.12  ( ISBN:9789895361489

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    Responsible for pages:27-37   Language:eng   Book type:Scholarly book

    As a brief measure of trait forgiveness of others, the Tendency to Forgive Scale (Brown, 2003) has been widely used in research. The purpose of the present study was to provide preliminary reliability and construct validity data on the translation of the Tendency to Forgive Scale into Japanese (TTF-J). Data were collected from 320 Japanese college students (38.1% women; mean age 20.82 years, SD = 1.11). The one-factor structure of the TTF-J was confirmed with exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses. Both internal consistency reliability and test-retest reliability over a 4-week period were acceptable. The construct validity of the TTF-J was supported by the expected correlations with scores for hedonic and eudaimonic well-being, self-esteem, depression, anxiety, trait empathy, and trait anger. The findings of this study generally supported that the TTF-J is a useful measure of trait forgiveness of others.


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  • Psychology Applications & Developments VII [peer reviewed publication] Reviewed

    Katsunori Sumi( Role: Contributor ,  Reliability and construct validity of a new Japanese translation of the Subjective Vitality Scale [peer reviewed publication])

    inScience Press  2021.12  ( ISBN:9789895481590

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    Total pages:332   Responsible for pages:282-292   Language:eng   Book type:Scholarly book


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  • Science, Technology, Society & Sustainable Development in Tunisia and Japan

    Akiko M. Sumi & Katsunori Sumi( Role: Joint author ,  Orientation for Learning Arabic among Arabic Major Students at a Japanese University: The Influences of Demographic Factors)

    Springer  2021.04  ( ISBN:9783319712758

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    Total pages:300   Language:eng   Book type:Scholarly book

    This study aimed to examine the influences of demographic factors on orientations for learning Arabic among Arabic major students. The demographic factors studied included sex, academic year, period of learning Arabic, and the experience of having stayed in Arab regions. The participants were 261 Arabic major students at a Japanese university. They completed a questionnaire, namely, the 15-item Orientation for Learning Arabic Scale, which assesses five types of orientation: integrative, instrumental, friendship, travel, and knowledge orientations. There were several statistically significant demographically based differences between the various groups of Arabic students with regard to the types of orientation for learning Arabic. In general, sex and the experience of having stayed in Arab regions had weaker influences on the orientations, whereas academic year and period of learning Arabic had greater influences on them. The female students had higher friendship and knowledge orientations than did the male students. Arabic major students who had stayed in Arab regions had a greater desire to obtain knowledge about the Arabs than did those who had never stayed in an Arab region. On the other hand, it was found that, in general, the lower the academic year or the shorter the period of learning Arabic, the greater was the orientation for learning Arabic. In the future, it would be desirable to compare the influences of demographic factors on the orientations of Arabic major students with those of non-Arabic major students, who account for a higher proportion of Arabic learners at Japanese universities.

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  • Psychology Applications & Developments VI [peer reviewed publication] Reviewed

    Katsunori Sumi( Role: Contributor ,  Basic psychological need satisfaction in Arabic learning: Development and validation of a new measure for Arabic learners in Japan [peer reviewed publication])

    inScience Press  2020.12  ( ISBN:9789895481538

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    Total pages:379   Responsible for pages:13-24   Language:eng   Book type:Scholarly book


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  • Handbook for Arabic language teaching professionals in the 21st century, Volume II

    Akiko M. Sumi & Katsunori Sumi( Role: Contributor ,  Chapter 3 (pp.20-37) Arabic Language Instructions and Learers in Japan)

    Routledge  2018.05  ( ISBN:9781138934771

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    Total pages:434   Responsible for pages:20-37   Language:eng   Book type:Scholarly book

    Arabic has been taught in formal education in Japan for the past 90 years. Arabic instruction is mainly conducted within the sphere of higher education in Japan, where the most important L2 (i.e., second language) is English. This chapter is an investigation of both the history of Arabic teaching and learning in Japan, and an analysis of the current situation. For data, official statistics, data originally obtained by inquiry, and original survey data were used. Also, we include parts of the authors’ previous studies. The focus is core issues concerning the actual condition of Arabic instruction in Japan, and a discussion of the strengths and limitations of current practices. Future directions in the field are also proposed.

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  • Problem-Solving: Strategies, Challenges and Outcomes

    Katsunori Sumi( Role: Contributor ,  Characteristics of Social Problem-Solving Ability in Relationship to Reflectivity-Impulsivity, Need for Cognition, and Communication Skills)

    Nova Science  2016.08  ( ISBN:9781634855136

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    Total pages:270   Responsible for pages:155-176   Language:eng   Book type:Scholarly book

    Life is a series of coping with a variety of problems. Major or minor problems arise for us all the time, and our life is filled with them. These problems make incessant demands on us to treat and solve them. Thus, we need to engage constant problem-solving in daily life. Real-life problems vary in difficulty in solving, from extremely easy for anyone to eternally unsolvable. When coping with solvable problems, our ability to solve such problems is of great import. In this chapter, the ability for solving problems in our day-to-day lives, called social problem-solving, is addressed.

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  • 経営工学の新たなる挑戦

    鷲見克典( Role: Edit ,  まえがき,第12章(pp.127-148) ワーク・ライフ・バランスとワーク・ファミリー・コンフリクト─現代における生活領域間の望ましい関係と課題─,その他)

    三恵社  2011.10  ( ISBN:9784883619016

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    Total pages:189   Responsible for pages:127-148   Language:jpn   Book type:Scholarly book

    編集部会代表.分担章(第12章 pp.127-148, ワーク・ライフ・バランスとワーク・ファミリー・コンフリクト─現代における生活領域間の望ましい関係と課題─)は現代における生活領域間の望ましい関係と課題を探究すべく,それぞれについての代表的概念であるワーク・ライフ・バランスとワーク・ファミリー・コンフリクトをとりあげ,総説し,特に後者に関する仮説の経験的検証を行った.

  • 経営システム工学への招待

    鷲見克典( Role: Edit ,  ストレスの発生と解消─測定尺度にみるストレス評定と対処─ (第8章))

    三恵社  2009.03  ( ISBN:9784883616909

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    Total pages:251   Responsible for pages:122-141   Language:jpn  

    第8章 ストレスの発生と解消─測定尺度にみるストレス評定と対処─
     企業・組織にとって,従業員のストレスによる損失は深刻な規模に達しており,ストレスのマネジメントは大きな課題となっている。ストレスほど常に私たちの身近にありながら,姿を現すことなく,社会の安寧と個人の幸福を脅かしているものはない。人の背後に取り憑いて離れず,執拗に命を狙い続ける─ まさにストレスは社会に公然とはびこる幽鬼といえよう。ストレスの発生と解消に関する十分な理解は,現代の企業・組織,そしてすべての個人にとって必須である。
     そこで,まずストレスの理解と対策の重要性を再確認するために,ストレスによる社会的,経済的損失に関する最近の試算結果を紹介する。次に,ストレスのメカニズムを簡単に整理しながら,その発生と解消の鍵となるストレス評定(stress appraisal)とストレス対処(stress coping)について説明する。そして,ストレス評定と対処の詳細について,それらを測定するための尺度を具体例として参照しながら,解説をおこなう。また,日常語として使用されるストレスや対処に関する語句の意味についても触れていく。なお,ここで「ストレス評定」は「ストレスを評定すること」を意味するものではない点に注意してほしい。

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  • ストレスをしあわせにかえるポジティブ心理学:マイナス感情とプラス感情のトリセツ


    名古屋市教育委員会公開講演会・名古屋工業大学公開講座  2024.11  名古屋市教育委員会

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    Event date: 2024.11

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Public lecture, seminar, tutorial, course, or other speech  


  • アラブ文化への興味とアラビア語学習動機づけによる主観的理解度と学習不安 への影響

    鷲見克典, 鷲見朗子

    第28回外国語教育学会大会   2024.11  外国語教育学会

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    Event date: 2024.11

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

    Venue:青山学院大学青山キャンパス   Country:Japan  

  • ストレスマネジメント Invited


    名古屋市名東生涯学習センター主催講座 ストレス・ケア〜ストレスを乗り越える〜  2024.10  名古屋市名東生涯学習センター

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    Event date: 2024.10

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)  

    Venue:名古屋市名東生涯学習センター   Country:Japan  

  • 心理学におけるストレス Invited


    名古屋市名東生涯学習センター公開講座 ストレス・ケア〜ストレスを乗り越える〜  2024.10  名古屋市名東生涯学習センター

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    Event date: 2024.10

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)  

    Venue:名古屋市名東生涯学習センター   Country:Japan  

  • 人事評価に潜むバイアスA:意識しがたい問題への心理学に基づく対策


    名古屋工業大学 技術者対象講座  2024  名古屋工業大学

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    Event date: 2024.10 - 2025.03

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Public lecture, seminar, tutorial, course, or other speech  

    Venue:オンライン   Country:Japan  

  • 人事評価に潜むバイアスB:意識しがたい問題への心理学に基づく対策


    名古屋工業大学 技術者対象講座  名古屋工業大学

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    Event date: 2024.10 - 2025.03

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Public lecture, seminar, tutorial, course, or other speech  

    Venue:オンライン   Country:Japan  

  • アラブ文化への興味とアラビア語学習動機づけが学習結果に及ぼす影響:非アラビア語専攻学生を対象とした検討


    第27回外国語教育学会大会   外国語教育学会

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    Event date: 2023.11

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

    Venue:オンライン   Country:Japan  

  • 心理学でしあわせを考える:ストレスと共にある幸福の性質


    名古屋市教育委員会公開講演会・名古屋工業大学公開講座  2023.10  名古屋市教育委員会

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    Event date: 2023.10

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Public lecture, seminar, tutorial, course, or other speech  


  • 人事評価に潜むバイアス:意識しがたい問題への心理学に基づく対策


    名古屋工業大学 技術者対象講座  2023.10 

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    Event date: 2023.10 - 2024.03

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Public lecture, seminar, tutorial, course, or other speech  


  • コミュニケーションの基本を知る Invited


    愛知県大府市 おおぶアカデミー   2023.07  愛知県大府市教育委員会

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    Event date: 2023.07

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Public lecture, seminar, tutorial, course, or other speech  


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  • Best Paper in iCITRA 2021

    2021.09   School of Liberal Studies, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia   Influence of interest in Arab culture on autonomy in motivation among Arabic language learners in Japanese universities

    Akiko Sumi & Katsunori Sumi

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    Award type:Award from international society, conference, symposium, etc.  Country:Malaysia

    International Virtual Conference on Liberal Studies 2021 (iCITRA 2021)
    Proceedings of International Virtual Conference on Liberal Studies, 2021, pp.125-128

  • The Promotion Award of the Japan Industrial Management Association

    1998.04   Japan Industrial Management Association   A Discriminant Validation of Four Work Commitment Forms

    Katsunori Sumi

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    Award type:Honored in official journal of a scientific society, scientific journal  Country:Japan

Scientific Research Funds Acquisition Results

  • ワーク・コミットメントとストレスに関する研究

    2005.04 - 2006.03

    科学研究費補助金  研究成果公開促進費 (研究成果公開発表)


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    課題番号175194 学術図書「ワーク・コミットメントとストレスに関する研究」


Committee Memberships

  • Journal of Happiness and Health   The editorial board member of Journal of Happiness and Health  


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    Committee type:Other

Social Activities

  • 名古屋工業大学 技術者対象講座

    Role(s): Appearance, Lecturer, Planner

    名古屋工業大学  人事評価に潜むバイアス:意識しがたい問題への心理学に基づく対策  オンライン  2023.10

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    Audience: General


  • 名古屋市 大学連携講座 公開講演会

    Role(s): Lecturer

    名古屋市教育委員会  2023.10

  • 愛知県大府市 大学連携講座 おおぶアカデミー

    Role(s): Lecturer

    大府市教育委員会  2017.09

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    Audience: General


  • 名古屋工業大学 公開講座 一般市民対象講座

    Role(s): Lecturer

    名古屋工業大学  2016.05

  • ものづくり企業のための女性技術者リーダー養成塾

    Role(s): Lecturer, Organizing member

    名古屋工業大学ダイバーシティ推進センター  名古屋工業大学  2014.08

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    Audience: Company

    Type:Seminar, workshop


  • 名古屋市 名東生涯学習センター主催講座

    Role(s): Lecturer

    名古屋市名東生涯学習センター  名古屋市名東生涯学習センター  2024.10

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    Audience: General


  • 愛知県 生涯学習地域連携講座

    Role(s): Lecturer

    愛知県教育・スポーツ振興財団,愛知県生涯学習推進センター,大口町教育委員会  愛知県大口町中央公民館  2023.02

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    Audience: General


  • 名古屋市 港生涯学習センター主催講座

    Role(s): Lecturer

    名古屋市港生涯学習センター  ストレスケア 自分を守るスキル  名古屋市港生涯学習センター  2023.01 - 2023.02

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    Audience: General


  • Editorial board member

    Role(s): Editer

    Science Publishing Group  Humanities and Social Sciences  2017.07

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    Editorial board member

  • Editorial board member

    Role(s): Editer

    Graphy Publications  International Journal of Psychology & Behavior Analysis  2016.07

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    Editorial board member

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