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No. | ▶Affiliation | ▶Title | ▲Name | ▶Research Field |
151 | Research Center for Nano-Device and next generation material |
Associate Professor |
KUBO Toshiharu |
Electronic device Electronic device Applied physical properties |
152 |
Professor |
KURE Shochiku |
Composite materials and interfaces Material processing and microstructure control Nanomaterials Energy chemistry Thin film/surface and interfacial physical properties |
153 |
Associate Professor |
KURITA Noriaki |
Other Metals production and resources production |
154 |
Associate Professor |
Perceptual information processing Kansei informatics |
155 | Advanced Disaster Prevention Engineering Center |
Professor |
Building structures and materials |
156 |
Associate Professor |
KYOKOWA Hiroyuki |
Disaster prevention engineering Civil engineering material, execution and construction management Geotechnical engineering |
157 |
Professor |
LEE Akinobu |
Perceptual information processing Intelligent informatics Human interface and interaction Database |
158 |
Professor |
MAEDA Hirotaka |
Inorganic materials and properties |
159 | Advanced Disaster Prevention Engineering Center |
Professor |
MAEDA Kenichi |
Geotechnical engineering Disaster prevention engineering |
160 |
Associate Professor |
MAEDA Yoshihiro |
Control and system engineering |
161 |
Associate Professor |
maegawa satoru |
Design engineering Machine elements and tribology |
162 | Quality Innovation Techno-Center |
Associate Professor |
MAKINO Takehiko |
Manufacturing and production engineering Material processing and microstructure control Metallic material properties |
163 | Creative Engineering-Education Promotion Center |
Associate Professor |
Sociology Area studies |
164 |
Assistant Professor |
MARTIN Alexander |
165 | Diversity Center |
Professor |
MASUDA Michiko |
Ecology and environment |
166 | Center for Innovative Young Researchers |
Assistant Professor |
167 | Information Technology Center |
Associate Professor |
MATSUI Toshihiro |
Intelligent informatics Soft computing Theory of informatics |
168 | Center for Innovative Young Researchers |
Associate Professor |
Power engineering |
169 | Department of Fundamental Study Education Center for International Students |
Associate Professor |
MATSUNO Yoshimi |
Japanese linguistics |
170 | Information Technology Center |
Professor |
MATSUO Hiroshi |
Intelligent informatics Theory of informatics |
171 |
Associate Professor |
MATSUOKA Shinichi |
Polymer chemistry Synthetic organic chemistry |
172 | Department of Fundamental Study |
Professor |
MATSUURA Chikako |
Other Foreign language education Linguistics |
173 | Center for Research and Development in Higher Engineering-Education |
Professor |
MATSUZOE Hiroshi |
Geometry |
174 |
Professor |
Magnetism, superconductivity and strongly correlated systems |
175 |
Associate Professor |
MIYAGAWA Atsushi |
Bioorganic chemistry Biomaterials Polymer chemistry Synthetic organic chemistry |
176 |
Assistant Professor |
177 | Physical Science and Engineering Program, Field of Applied Physics |
Associate Professor |
MIYAMOTO Tatsuya |
Semiconductors, optical properties of condensed matter and atomic physics |
178 |
Associate Professor |
MIYAZAKI Hidetoshi |
Applied condensed matter physics |
179 | Center for Fostering Young and Innovative Researchers |
Associate Professor |
Energy chemistry |
180 | Research Center for Nano-Device and next generation material |
Professor |
MIYOSHI Makoto |
Electron device and electronic equipment Electric and electronic materials Applied physical properties Crystal engineering |
181 |
Associate Professor |
MIZUNO Toshihisa |
Chemical biology Nanobioscience Structural materials and functional materials Polymer materials |
182 |
Professor |
MIZUNO Yoshinori |
Algebra |
183 |
Professor |
Fluid engineering |
184 | Instrument and Research Technology Center |
Assistant Professor |
MORITANI Tomokazu |
185 |
Professor |
MORITA Yoshifumi |
Control and system engineering Robotics and intelligent system Mechanics and mechatronics Rehabilitation science |
186 | Creative Engineering-Education Promotion Center |
Associate Professor |
Intelligent informatics Soft computing Entertainment and game informatics |
187 | Center for Innovative Young Researchers |
Associate Professor |
Functional solid state chemistry |
188 |
MUTO Masakazu |
Fluidics |
189 | Diversity Center |
Associate Professor |
MUTOU Atsuko |
Software Intelligent informatics |
190 | Department of Fundamental Study |
Professor |
NAGAI Masashi |
Linguistics |
191 |
Associate Professor |
NAGATA Kazutoshi |
Structure engineering and earthquake engineering |
192 |
Professor |
NAGATA Kenji |
Structural materials and functional materials Composite materials and interfaces Polymer chemistry |
193 |
Associate Professor |
Transport phenomena and unit operations Chemical reaction and process system engineering |
194 |
Associate Professor |
NAITOH Takashi |
Fluid engineering |
195 |
Professor |
NAKADE Koichi |
Social systems engineering |
196 |
NAKAI Ayano |
Communication and network engineering |
197 | Center for Innovative Young Researchers |
NAKAI Fuko |
Civil engineering plan and transportation engineering |
198 |
Professor |
NAKAMURA Masanori |
Medical technology assessment Medical systems Biomedical engineering Biomaterials |
199 |
Magnetism, superconductivity and strongly correlated systems |
200 |
Professor |
NAKAMURA Shuichi |
Synthetic organic chemistry Pharmaceutical chemistry and drug development sciences Bioorganic chemistry Green sustainable chemistry and environmental chemistry |