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No. | ▲Affiliation | ▶Title | ▶Name | ▶Research Field |
201 |
Professor |
Risk Management, Business Continuity Management, Critical Infrastructure Management Risk Management, Business Continuity Management, Critical Infrastructure Protection Risk Management, Business Continuity Management, Critical Infrastructure Management |
202 |
Professor |
WATANABE Takeshi |
Fluid engineering Atmospheric and hydrospheric sciences Mathematical physics and fundamental theory of condensed matter physics |
203 |
Professor |
WATANABE Yoshimi |
Material processing and microstructure control Composite materials and interfaces Metallic material properties Manufacturing and production engineering |
204 |
Professor |
YAMADA Manabu |
Control and system engineering Mechanics and mechatronics |
205 |
Professor |
Pharmaceutical chemistry and drug development sciences |
206 |
Professor |
YASUI Shinji |
Power engineering Environmental load reduction and remediation Environmental materials and recycle technology |
207 |
Associate Professor |
ABE Koji |
208 |
Associate Professor |
ANZAI Daisuke |
Communication and network engineering |
209 |
Associate Professor |
AOKI Mutsumi |
Power engineering |
210 |
Associate Professor |
CHIKAMI Noboru |
211 |
Associate Professor |
DAIKO Yusuke |
Glass science and chemistry |
212 |
Associate Professor |
FUKUSHIMA Norishige |
Perceptual information processing Communication and network engineering |
213 |
Associate Professor |
History of arts |
214 |
Associate Professor |
GOTO Tomio |
Communication and network engineering |
215 |
Associate Professor |
HAMADA shinichi |
216 |
Associate Professor |
Chemical reaction and process system engineering Social systems engineering Safety engineering |
217 |
Associate Professor |
HANAI Yoshiteru |
218 |
Associate Professor |
Perceptual information processing |
219 |
Associate Professor |
Manufacturing and production engineering |
220 |
Associate Professor |
HIRANO Satoshi |
Communication and network engineering |
221 |
Associate Professor |
HIROSHI Hirayama |
Communication and network engineering Power engineering |
222 |
Associate Professor |
HIROTA Yuuichirou |
Chemical reaction and process system engineering Transport phenomena and unit operations |
223 |
Associate Professor |
HONDA Mitsuhiro |
Applied condensed matter physics |
224 |
Associate Professor |
HONDA Sawao |
Inorganic materials and properties Inorganic compounds and inorganic materials chemistry Structural materials and functional materials |
225 |
Associate Professor |
HOSHI Yoshinao |
Composite materials and interfaces Material processing and microstructure control |
226 |
Associate Professor |
HOURA Tomoya |
Thermal engineering Fluid engineering |
227 |
Associate Professor |
IDE Naoki |
Metallic material properties Semiconductors, optical properties of condensed matter and atomic physics Mathematical physics and fundamental theory of condensed matter physics |
228 |
Associate Professor |
IIDA Oaki |
Fluid engineering Thermal engineering |
229 |
Associate Professor |
ISHII Daisuke |
Structural materials and functional materials Thin film/surface and interfacial physical properties Polymer chemistry Nano/micro-systems Nanometer-scale chemistry Nanomaterials Polymer materials Electron device and electronic equipment Composite materials and interfaces |
230 |
Associate Professor |
ISHII Yosuke |
Inorganic/coordination chemistry Nanomaterials Inorganic compounds and inorganic materials chemistry |
231 |
Associate Professor |
ISOBE Masaharu |
Mathematical physics and fundamental theory of condensed matter physics |
232 |
Associate Professor |
ITO Toshihiro |
Mechanics of materials and materials Measurement engineering |
233 |
Associate Professor |
ITO Yosuke |
Building structures and materials |
234 |
Associate Professor |
IWAMOTO Masami |
Structure engineering and earthquake engineering |
235 |
Associate Professor |
KANDA Koji |
Experimental psychology Social systems engineering Cognitive science Safety engineering |
236 |
Associate Professor |
237 |
Associate Professor |
KATO Shinya |
238 |
Associate Professor |
KAWAMURA Hironobu |
239 |
Associate Professor |
240 |
Associate Professor |
KIMURA Takashi |
Fundamental plasma |
241 |
Associate Professor |
KISHI Naoki |
Electric and electronic materials Electron device and electronic equipment Nanomaterials Nano/micro-systems |
242 |
Associate Professor |
Power engineering |
243 |
Associate Professor |
Thin film/surface and interfacial physical properties Mechanics of materials and materials Nanomaterials |
244 |
Associate Professor |
KOJIMA Mitsutoshi |
Social systems engineering Safety engineering |
245 |
Associate Professor |
KOMATSU Yoshinori |
Architectural environment and building equipment |
246 |
Associate Professor |
KURITA Noriaki |
Other Metals production and resources production |
247 |
Associate Professor |
Perceptual information processing Kansei informatics |
248 |
Associate Professor |
KYOKOWA Hiroyuki |
Disaster prevention engineering Civil engineering material, execution and construction management Geotechnical engineering |
249 |
Associate Professor |
MAEDA Yoshihiro |
Control and system engineering |
250 |
Associate Professor |
maegawa satoru |
Design engineering Machine elements and tribology |