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No. | ▶Affiliation | ▲Title | ▶Name | ▶Research Field |
1 |
President |
OBATA Makoto |
Structure engineering and earthquake engineering |
2 |
Vice President |
IDO Yasushi |
Fluid engineering Mechanics and mechatronics Computational science Manufacturing and production engineering Mechanics of materials and materials Applied condensed matter physics |
3 |
Vice President |
KAKIMOTO Kenichi |
Piezoelectric Ceramics |
4 | Advanced Ceramics Research Laboratory |
Professor |
ADACHI Nobuyasu |
Inorganic materials and properties magnetic materials |
5 | Department of Computer Science Center for Research and Development in Higher Engineering-Education |
Professor |
ADACHI Toshiaki |
Geometry |
6 |
Professor |
AOKI Atsushi |
Nanomaterials Electron device and electronic equipment Polymer chemistry |
7 |
Professor |
ARAKAWA Masahiro |
Intelligent informatics Control and system engineering Social systems engineering Safety engineering |
8 | Department of Fundamental Study Center for Research and Development in Higher Engineering-Education |
Professor |
ARITA Kenichiro |
Theoretical studies related to particle-, nuclear-, cosmic ray and astro-physics Mathematical physics and fundamental theory of condensed matter physics |
9 | Department of Fundamental Study |
Professor |
CULLEN Brian |
Foreign language education Educational psychology |
10 |
Professor |
DEWA Takehisa |
11 | Department of Physical Science and Engineering |
Professor |
ERYU Osamu |
Electric and electronic materials Thin film/surface and interfacial physical properties Applied physical properties Electron device and electronic equipment Material processing and microstructure control |
12 | Advanced Ceramics Research Laboratory |
Professor |
FUJI Masayoshi |
13 | Department of Fundamental Study Center for Research and Development in Higher Engineering-Education |
Professor |
FUJIMOTO Tsumoru |
Philosophy and ethics |
14 |
Professor |
FUJITA Motohiro |
Civil engineering plan and transportation engineering |
15 |
Professor |
FUKUDA Koichiro |
Inorganic materials and properties |
16 |
Professor |
FURUTANI Masahiro |
Thermal engineering |
17 |
Professor |
18 |
Professor |
HAMANAKA Yasushi |
Nanomaterials Applied physical properties Semiconductors, optical properties of condensed matter and atomic physics |
19 |
Professor |
20 |
Professor |
Composite materials and interfaces Inorganic materials and properties |
21 |
Professor |
HAYAKAWA Tomokatsu |
Semiconductors, optical properties of condensed matter and atomic physics Functional solid state chemistry Inorganic compounds and inorganic materials chemistry |
22 | Center for Research and Development in Higher Engineering-Education |
Professor |
HAYASHI Atsuhiro |
Educational technology Education Statistical science |
23 |
Professor |
HAYASHI Koichi |
24 | Center for Research on Assistive Technology for Building a New Community |
Professor |
Civil engineering plan and transportation engineering |
25 |
Professor |
HIGUCHI Masahiro |
26 |
Professor |
HIHARA Takehiko |
Nanometer-scale chemistry Thin film/surface and interfacial physical properties Structural materials and functional materials Inorganic materials and properties Metallic material properties |
27 |
Professor |
Geometry |
28 | Advanced Medical Physics and IT Research Center |
Professor |
HIRATA Akimasa |
Biomedical engineering Communication and network engineering Power engineering |
29 | Advanced Medical Physics and IT Research Center / Center for Research and Development in Higher Engineering-Education |
Professor |
HONTANI Hidekata |
30 |
Professor |
Electric and electronic materials |
31 | Advanced Ceramics Research Laboratory |
Professor |
IDA Takashi |
Inorganic materials and properties Applied physical properties Inorganic/coordination chemistry Fundamental physical chemistry |
32 | Advanced Disaster Prevention Engineering Center |
Professor |
IDOTA Hideki |
Building structures and materials |
33 | Frontier Laboratory |
Professor |
IKEDA Katsuyoshi |
Thin film/surface and interfacial physical properties Nanometer-scale chemistry Fundamental physical chemistry |
34 |
Professor |
IMURA Naoe |
Business administration |
35 |
Professor |
INAI Kunihiro |
36 |
Professor |
INAI Yoshihito |
Polymer chemistry Structural organic chemistry and physical organic chemistry Bioorganic chemistry |
37 | Creative Engineering-Education Promotion Center |
Professor |
INOMATA Katsuhiro |
Polymer materials Polymer chemistry |
38 |
Professor |
INOMATA Tomohiko |
Bio chemistry Electron device and electronic equipment Composite materials and interfaces Inorganic/coordination chemistry Nanomaterials |
39 | Creative Engineering-Education Promotion Center |
Professor |
INUZUKA Nobuhiro |
Intelligent informatics Database Theory of informatics |
40 | Department of Fundamental Study |
Professor |
Foreign language education |
41 |
Professor |
ISHIMATSU Takeyoshi |
42 |
Professor |
ISHINO Yojiro |
Thermal engineering Fluid engineering Energy chemistry Environmental load reduction and remediation Measurement engineering Environmental impact assessment Robotics |
43 | Health Support Center |
Professor |
Life, health and medical informatics Medical technology assessment Genetics Psychiatry Special needs education |
44 |
Professor |
ITOH Hiroshi |
Sports sciences Nutrition science and health science |
45 | Advanced Manufacturing Research Center |
Professor |
ITOIGAWA Fumihiro |
Cutting, Erectrical discharge machining, Plasma processing Tribology Tribology Surface engineering |
46 |
Professor |
ITO Yoshihiro |
Communication and network engineering |
47 | International Exchange Promotion Center |
Professor |
Inorganic materials and properties |
48 |
Professor |
IWASAKI Makoto |
Mechanics and mechatronics Control and system engineering |
49 |
Professor |
IWATA Makoto |
dielectrics, structural phase transition Applied physical properties |
50 |
Professor |
IWATA Shuichi |
Transport phenomena and unit operations Fluid engineering Environmental load reduction and remediation |