Affiliation Department |
物理工学科 材料機能分野
Title |
Professor |
External Link |
From School
Kyushu University Faculty of Science Graduated
- 1990.03
From Graduate School
Kyoto University Graduate School, Division of Engineering Doctor's Course Completed
- 1996.03
Kyushu University Graduate School, Division of Engineering Master's Course Completed
- 1992.03
Ca-induced phonon softening in BaTiO3 revealed by inelastic x-ray and neutron scattering Reviewed International coauthorship
K. Kimura, S. Tsutsui, Y. Yamamoto, A. Nakano, K. Kawamura, R. Kajimoto, K. Kamazawa, A. Martin, K. G. Webber, K. Kakimoto & K. Hayashi
Physical Review B 110 134314 2024.10
Authorship:Last author Language:English Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)
Thermal insulation enhanced by the dopant-induced phonon softening discovered in thermoelectric Heusler compounds Reviewed
Koji Kimura, Satoshi Tsutsui, Hidetoshi Miyazaki, Shuma Nakagami, Yoichi Nishino, Koichi Hayashi
Acta Materialia 281 120439 2024.09
Authorship:Last author Language:English Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)
Atomic Imaging of BaTiO3 by Multiple-Wavelength Neutron Holography Reviewed
Kota Yamakawa, Hajime Nakada1, Koji Kimura, Kenichi Oikawa, Masahide Harada, Yasuhiro Inamura, Kenji Ohoyama, Koichi Hayashi
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 93 104601 2024.09
Authorship:Last author Language:English Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)
Intermediate multidomain state in single-crystalline Mn-doped BiFeO3 thin films during ferroelectric polarization switching Reviewed
Seiji Nakashima, Koji Kimura, Naohisa Happo, Artoni Kevin R. Ang, Yuta Yamamoto, Halubai Sekhar, Ai I. Osaka, Koichi Hayashi, Hironori Fujisawa
Scientific Reports 14 14358 2024.06
Language:English Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)
In-situ Study of Solid-Liquid Interface Structure of Zinc-anode Battery by X-ray Total Reflection
Yasuhiro Takabayashi, Takahiro Yoshikawa, Kairi Fujii, Keisuke Kibino, Koji Kimura, So Fujinami, Koichi Hayashi
e-Journal of Surface Science and Nanotechnology 22 261 - 265 2024.05
Authorship:Last author Language:English Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)
Superstructure of Fe5−xGeTe2 Determined by Te K-Edge Extended X-ray Absorption Fine Structure and Te Kα X-ray Fluorescence Holography Reviewed
Ritsuko Eguchi, Halubai Sekhar, Koji Kimura, Hirokazu Masai, Naohisa Happo, Mitsuki Ikeda, Yuki Yamamoto, Masaki Utsumi, Hidenori Goto, Yasuhiro Takabayashi, Hiroo Tajiri, Koichi Hayashi, Yoshihiro Kubozono
ACS Omega 9 ( 19 ) 21287 - 21297 2024.05
Language:English Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)
Nanophase separation in K1-xCaxC8 revealed by X-ray fluorescence holography and extended X-ray absorption fine structure Reviewed
Naohisa Happo, Atsushi Kubota, Xiaofan Yang, Ritsuko Eguchi, Hidenori Goto, Mitsuki Ikeda, Koji Kimura, Yasuhiro Takabayashi, Jens R. Stellhorn, Shinjiro Hayakawa, Koichi Hayashi, Yoshihiro Kubozono
Chemistry of Materials 36 ( 9 ) 4135 - 4143 2024.04
Authorship:Corresponding author Language:English Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)
Development of instruments for imaging of local magnetic structure by magnetic neutron holography Reviewed
Tomoya Kanno, Kenji Ohoyama, Hajime Nakada, Yuto Fukui, Kota Yamakawa, Shota Hoshi, Motoki Takano, Yodai Kobayashi, Yuka Tomimatsu, Shingo Takahashi, Takayuki Oku, Takuya Okudaira, Ryuju Kobayashi, Shusuke Takada, Masahide Harada, Kenichi Oikawa, Yasuhiro Inamura, Toetsu Shishido, Keisuke Sato, Koichi Hayashi
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 1064 169349 2024.04
Authorship:Last author Language:English Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)
Operando combined SAXS/XRD/XAFS measurements of lithium conversion battery Reviewed
Yasuhiro Takabayashi, Koji Kimura, Takeshi Miyazaki, Kazuki Yoshii, Hikari Sakaebe, Masahiro Shikano, Nobuhiko Takeichi, Tomotaka Nakatani, So Fujinami, Hisao Kiuchi, Misaki Katayama, Tatsumi Hirano, Koichi Hayashi
Advanced Sustainable Systems 8 2300571 2024.03
Authorship:Last author Language:English Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)
Pressure dependence of the structural and superconducting properties of the Bi-based superconductor Bi2Pd3Se2 Reviewed International coauthorship
Zhiyan Zhang, Mitsuki Ikeda, Masaki Utsumi, Yuki Yamamoto, Hidenori Goto, Ritsuko Eguchi, Yen-Fa Liao, Hirofumi Ishii, Yasuhiro Takabayashi, Koichi Hayashi, Ryusuke Kondo, Tatsuo Kobayashi, Yoshihiro Kubozono
Inorganic Chemistry 63 ( 5 ) 2553 - 2561 2024.01
Language:English Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)
Books and Other Publications
林 好一( Role: Joint author)
アグネ技術センター 2019.02 ( ISBN:978-4-901496-95-7 )
Responsible for pages:第4章35 Language:jpn Book type:Scholarly book
3D Local Structure and Functionality Design of Materials
Kouichi Hayashi( Role: Joint author)
Maruzen Publishing & World Scientific Publishing 2019 ( ISBN:978-981-3273-66-5 )
Language:eng Book type:Scholarly book
新版 X線反射率法入門
林 好一( Role: Joint author)
講談社サイエンティフィク 2018.06 ( ISBN:978-4-06-153296-0 )
Language:jpn Book type:Scholarly book
林 好一( Role: Joint author , 第7章3節)
講談社サイエンティフィク 2009.02 ( ISBN:978-4-06-153268-7 )
Language:jpn Book type:Scholarly book
林 好一( Role: Joint author , 蛍光X線ホログラフィー)
「光科学研究の最前線2」編集委員会 2009
Language:jpn Book type:Scholarly book
Advances in Imaging and Electron Physics Vol. 140
Kouichi Hayashi( Role: Joint author , X-Ray fluorescence holography)
Elsevier/Academic Press, ©2006 2006
Language:eng Book type:Scholarly book
林 好一( Role: Joint author , 蛍光X線ホログラフィー)
「光科学研究の最前線」編集委員会 2005
Language:jpn Book type:Scholarly book
Recent advances in atomic resolution three-dimensional holography Reviewed
Hiroshi Daimon,Tomohiro Matsushita,Fumihiko Matsui,Koichi Hayashi, and Yusuke Wakabayashi
Advances in Physics: X 9 ( 1 ) 2350161 2024.05
Language:English Publishing type:Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (scientific journal)
蛍光X線ホログラフィーを用いた超秩序構造の観測 Invited
58 ( 8 ) 539 - 542 2023.08
Authorship:Last author, Corresponding author Language:Japanese Publishing type:Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (scientific journal)
Other Link:
学術変革領域「超秩序構造科学」における取組 Invited
58 ( 8 ) 502 - 504 2023.08
Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author Language:Japanese Publishing type:Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (scientific journal)
Other Link:
蛍光X線ホログラフィーの基礎と最先端 Invited
49 ( 4 ) 49-4-05 2023.01
Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author Language:Japanese Publishing type:Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (scientific journal)
軽元素ドープ系材料での新しい原子イメージング法 ―白色中性子ホログラフィー
大山研司, 林 好一
77 ( 6 ) 379 - 386 2022.06
Authorship:Last author, Corresponding author Language:Japanese Publishing type:Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (scientific journal)
新しい水素イメージング法への挑戦 白色中性子ホログラフィー
大山研司, 林 好一
64 ( 2 ) 178 - 181 2022.06
Authorship:Last author, Corresponding author Publishing type:Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (scientific journal)
DOI: 10.5940/jcrsj.64.178
White Neutron Holography in Pulsed Neutron Facilities
Kenji Ohoyama and Kouichi Hayashi
( 1800143 ) 1 - 9 2018
Language:English Publishing type:Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (bulletin of university, research institution)
66 ( 1 ) 36 - 42 2018
Language:Japanese Publishing type:Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (bulletin of university, research institution)
X-ray Fluorescence Holography: Principles, Apparatus, and Applications
Kouichi Hayashi and Pawel Korecki
87 ( 61003 ) 1 - 11 2018
Language:English Publishing type:Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (bulletin of university, research institution)
Structural Modeling of B2O3 Glass Based on X-ray Total Scattering Data Invited International conference
Koichi Hayashi
The 22nd International Symposium on Non-Oxide and New Optical Glasses
Event date: 2024.10
Language:English Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)
Venue:Fuyang Country:China
本田康朗, 松尾拓紀, 野口祐二, 宇都宮将, 佐田貴生, 藤岡芳博, 小田拓海, 木村耕治, 林好一, 八方直久
第85回 応用物理学会秋季学術講演会 2024.09
Event date: 2024.09
Language:Japanese Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)
川上真梨, 中嶋誠二, 木村耕治, 八方直久, 大坂藍, 藤沢浩訓, 林好一
第85回 応用物理学会秋季学術講演会 2024.09
Event date: 2024.09
Language:Japanese Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)
渡邊達也, 菅野友哉, 丁井政紀, 高橋慎吾, 奥平琢也, 奥隆之, 原田正英, 及川健一, 木村耕治, 大山研司, 林好一
日本物理学会第79回年次大会 2024.09
Event date: 2024.09
Language:Japanese Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)
會澤幸希, 川上修汰, 阿部幸樹, 滝田正勝, 伊川大樹, 鈴木龍治, 藤森安, 稲村泰弘, 及川健一, 原田正英, 林好一, 北浦守, 小玉翔平, 武田博明, 金敬鎭, 鎌田圭, 中西貴之, 大山研司
日本物理学会第79回年次大会 2024.09
Event date: 2024.09
Language:Japanese Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)
阿部幸樹, 滝田正勝, 會澤幸希, 川上修汰, 原田正英, 及川健一, 稲村泰弘, 味戸沙耶, 秋山英二, 折茂慎一, 林好一, 大山研司
日本物理学会第79回年次大会 2024.09
Event date: 2024.09
Language:Japanese Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)
滝田正勝, 阿部幸樹, 會澤幸希, 川上修汰, 宮本明佳, 伊賀文俊, 八方直久, 林好一, 大山研司
日本物理学会第79回年次大会 2024.09
Event date: 2024.09
Language:Japanese Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)
X線および中性子非弾性散乱の相補利用によるCa添加BaTiO3のフォノン解析 International coauthorship
木村耕治, 筒井智嗣, 山本裕太, 中埜彰俊, 川村啓介, 梶本亮一, 蒲沢和也, A.Martin, K. G. Webber, 柿本健一, 林好一
日本物理学会第79回年次大会 2024.09
Event date: 2024.09
Language:Japanese Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)
蛍光X線ホログラフィーを用いた「超秩序構造」の解明 Invited
X 線分析研究懇談会による講演会(第 281 回例会) 2024.09
Event date: 2024.09
Language:Japanese Presentation type:Public lecture, seminar, tutorial, course, or other speech
松尾拓紀, 本田康朗, 桑田健太, 野口祐二, 宇都宮将, 佐田貴生, 藤岡芳博, 小田拓海, 木村耕治, 林好一, 八方直久
第71回 応用物理学会春季学術講演会 2024.03
Event date: 2024.03
Language:Japanese Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)
Industrial Property Rights
林 好一,中嶋一雄、森下 浩平
Application no:5464419 Date applied:2014.01
Country of applicant:Domestic Country of acquisition:Domestic
林 好一,中嶋一雄
Application no:5039971 Date applied:2012.07
Country of applicant:Domestic Country of acquisition:Domestic
松原 英一郎、林 好一,中嶋一雄
Application no:3699998 Date applied:2005.07
Country of applicant:Domestic Country of acquisition:Domestic
Scientific Research Funds Acquisition Results
Hyper-Ordered Structure Science
Grant number:20A206 2020.11 - 2025.03
Authorship:Principal investigator Grant type:Competitive
2019.04 - 2025.03
科学研究費補助金 基盤研究(A)