Affiliation Department |
Department of Physical Science and Engineering
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OHARA Shigeo
Doctor (Science) ( 1992.05 Hiroshima University )
Master of Science ( 1989.03 Hiroshima University )
Research Interests
Chirality, Asymmetry
Crystal growth of rare-earth intermetallic compound, Magnetism, Strongly correlated electron system, Low temperature physics
Research Areas
Natural Science / Magnetism, superconductivity and strongly correlated systems / 磁性,超伝導および強相関系関連
From School
Hiroshima University Faculty of Science Graduated
- 1987.03
From Graduate School
Hiroshima University Graduate School, Division of Natural Science Doctor's Course Accomplished credits for doctoral program
- 1992.03
External Career
国立岡崎共同研究機構分子化学研究所 講師(非常勤)
1992.04 - 1993.11
Professional Memberships
The Pysical Society of Japan
The Japan Society of High Pressure Science and Technology
The Physics Education Society of Japan
The Japan Society of Applied Physics
Research Career
Chiral magnetism in rare-earth intermetallic compounds
(not selected)
Project Year: 2014.04
Single crystal growth of rare-earth intermetalic compounds
(not selected)
Project Year: 1993.12
Transport and magnetic properties of strongly correlated electron system
(not selected)
Project Year: 1993.12
Quadrupolar Domain Selection by Magnetic Field in DyNi3Ga9 Reviewed
Mitsuru Tsukagoshi, Takeshi Matsumura, Shota Nakamura, Shigeo Ohara
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 92 115001-1 - 115001-1 2023.10
Authorship:Last author Language:English Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)
Discovery of antiferromagnetic chiral helical ordered state in trigonal GdNi3Ga9 Reviewed
Nakamura, Shota and Matsumura, Takeshi and Ohashi, Kazuma and Suzuki, Hiroto and Tsukagoshi, Mitsuru and Kurauchi, Kenshin and Nakao, Hironori and Ohara, Shigeo
Phys. Rev. B 108 ( 10 ) 104422-1 - 104422-7 2023.09
Authorship:Last author Language:English Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)
Crystal field excitation in the chiral helimagnet YbNi3Al9 Reviewed
Tsukagoshi, Mitsuru and Kishida, Suguru and Kurauchi, Kenshin and Ito, Daichi and Kubo, Koya and Matsumura, Takeshi and Ikeda, Yoichi and Nakamura, Shota and Ohara, Shigeo
PHYSICAL REVIEW B 107 104425-1 - 104425-8 2023.03
Authorship:Last author Language:English Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)
Metamagnetism in a new material EuPdAl6 Reviewed
Hiroto Suzuki, Shota Nakamura, Shigeo Ohara
JPS Conference Proceedings 38 011100-1 - 011100-6 2022.06
Authorship:Last author Language:English Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)
Competition between helimagnetic and ferroquadrupolar ordering in a monoaxial chiral magnet DyNi3Ga9 studied by resonant x-ray diffraction Reviewed
Mitsuru Tsukagoshi, Takeshi Matsumura, Shinji Michimura, Toshiya Inami, Shigeo Ohara
PHYSICAL REVIEW B 105 014428-1 - 014428-12 2022.01
Authorship:Last author Language:English Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)
Determination of Crystallographic Planes for a Polyhedral Single Crystal Reviewed
Akiko Nakao, Taketo Moyoshi, Kentaro Moriyama, Takeshi Matsumura, Kenshirou Iba, Shigeo Ohara, Yoshihisa Ishikawa, Koji Munakata, Takashi Ohhara, Ryoji Kiyanagi
JPS Conference Proceedings 33 011067-1 - 011067-6 2021.03
Language:English Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)
Thin film growth of heavy fermion chiral magnet YbNi3Al9 Reviewed International journal
Hiroaki Shishido, Akira Okumura, Tatsuya Saimyoji, Shota Nakamura, Shigeo Ohara, Yoshihiko Togawa
Applied Physics Letters 118 102402-1 - 102402-7 2021.03
Language:English Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)
DOI: 10.1063/5.0035385
Enantiopure Crystal Growth of a Chiral Magnet YbNi3Al9 via the Flux Method with a Temperature Gradient Reviewed International journal
Shota Nakamura, Junya Inukai, Toru Asaka, Jun-ichi Yamaura, Shigeo Ohara
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 89 104005 2020.09
Language:English Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)
Pressure Effect on the Chiral Helimagnetic Order in YbNi3Al9 Reviewed International journal
Yoshihiko Ota, Kazunori Umeo, Takumi Otaki, Yudai Arai, Takahiro Onimaru, Shota Nakamura, Shigeo Ohara
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 89 044715 2020.04
Language:English Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)
Electronic Structure of Yb(Ni1−xCox)3Ga9 Studied by Angle-resolved Photoelectron Spectroscopy Reviewed International coauthorship
Yuki Utsumi, Debashis Mondal, Jun Fujii, Ivana Vobornik, Shota Nakamura, Dubravka Matković-Čalogović, Shigeo Ohara
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 89 044711-1 - 044711-4 2020.03
Language:English Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)
Books and Other Publications
-( Role: Joint author)
学術図書出版 1996.10
Language:jpn Book type:Scholarly book
ヘリウムってどんなモノ ーリサイクルが必要な貴重な資源 Invited
10 ( 619 ) 28 - 32 2022.10
Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author Language:Japanese Publishing type:Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (trade magazine, newspaper, online media)
カイラル構造をもつ希土類金属間化合物YbNi3Al9の合成と磁性 Invited Reviewed
55 ( 11 ) 131 - 142 2020.11
Authorship:Lead author Language:Japanese Publishing type:Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (trade magazine, newspaper, online media) Publisher:アグネ技術センター
超伝導を発見したのはオネスではない、カマリング・オネスである Reviewed
78 ( 5 ) 279 - 280 2023.05
Authorship:Corresponding author Language:Japanese Publishing type:Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (other)
Symmetry Breaking: Revealing the Chiral Magnetic Properties of Rare-Earth Intermetallics Invited International conference
Shigeo Ohara
Topology, spin-orbit interactions and superconductivity in strongly correlated quantum materials under extreme conditions 2023.10 Grenoble-INP, CNRS, ASRC, IMR
Event date: 2023.10
Language:English Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)
Venue:Grenoble, France Country:France
塚越舜, 松村武, 中村翔太, 大原繁男
日本物理学会年次大会 2023.09 日本物理学会
Event date: 2023.09
Language:Japanese Presentation type:Poster presentation
メタ磁性転移を示す反強磁性体EuPdAl6の磁場 - 温度相図
鈴木大斗, 中村翔太, 鬼丸孝博, 大原繁男
日本物理学会年次大会 2023.09 日本物理学会
Event date: 2023.09
Language:Japanese Presentation type:Poster presentation
谷元優希美, 神森龍一, 杉本光昌, 佐藤仁, 有田将司, Shiv Kumar, 島田賢也, 中村翔太, 大原繁男
日本物理学会年次大会 2023.09 日本物理学会
Event date: 2023.09
Language:Japanese Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)
中村翔太, 松村武, 大橋一諒, 鈴木大斗, 塚越舜, 倉内憲伸, 中尾裕則, 大原繁男
日本物理学会年次大会 2023.09 日本物理学会
Event date: 2023.09
Language:Japanese Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)
石井勲, 齋藤奨太, 磯部健太郎, 正路真, 砂崎栞奈, 中村翔太, 大原繁男, 鈴木孝至
日本物理学会年次大会 2023.09 日本物理学会
Event date: 2023.09
Language:Japanese Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)
鈴木大斗,中村翔太, 大原繁男
日本物理学会春季大会 2023.03 日本物理学会
Event date: 2023.03
Language:Japanese Presentation type:Poster presentation
塚越舜, 岸田卓, 倉内憲伸, 伊藤大地, 久保光野, 松村武, 池田陽一, 中村翔太, 大原繁男
日本物理学会春季大会 2023.03 日本物理学会
Event date: 2023.03
Language:Japanese Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)
日本物理学会春季大会 2023.03 日本物理学会
Event date: 2023.03
Language:Japanese Presentation type:Symposium, workshop panel (nominated)
中村翔太, 大原繁男
日本物理学会春季大会 2023.03 日本物理学会
Event date: 2023.03
Language:Japanese Presentation type:Poster presentation
Scientific Research Funds Acquisition Results
Research Management of Unveiling, Design, and Development of Asymmetric Quantum Matters
Grant number:23H04866 2023.04 - 2028.03
Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas (A)
Authorship:Coinvestigator(s) Grant type:Competitive
Grant number:23H04870 2021.04 - 2024.03
科学研究費補助金 学術変革領域研究(A)
Authorship:Principal investigator Grant type:Competitive
2021.04 - 2024.03
科学研究費補助金 基盤研究(C)
2020.04 - 2023.03
科学研究費補助金 基盤研究(C)
2018.04 - 2021.03
科学研究費補助金 基盤研究(C)
Committee Memberships
日本物理学会 『日本物理学会誌』副編集委員長
Committee type:Academic society
日本物理学会 『日本物理学会誌』編集委員
2019.04 - 2023.03
Committee type:Academic society
日本物理学会 『大学の物理教育』編集委員
2016.04 - 2023.03
Committee type:Academic society
Social Activities
Role(s): Lecturer
愛知県立一宮高等学校 SSH特別講義 2023.12
Audience: High school students
Type:Visiting lecture
Role(s): Lecturer
愛知県立一宮高等学校 SSH特別講義 2023.11
Audience: High school students
Type:Visiting lecture
Role(s): Lecturer
兵庫県立長田高等学校 特別講義 2023.10
Audience: High school students
Type:Visiting lecture
Role(s): Lecturer
愛知県立一宮高等学校 SSH特別講義 2023.06
Audience: High school students
Type:Visiting lecture
Role(s): Lecturer
兵庫県立長田高等学校 特別講義 2023.01
Audience: High school students
Type:Visiting lecture
Role(s): Lecturer
愛知県立一宮高等学校 SSH特別講義 2022.12
Audience: High school students
Type:Visiting lecture
Role(s): Lecturer
愛知県立一宮高等学校 SSH特別講義 2022.11
Audience: High school students
Type:Visiting lecture
Role(s): Lecturer
兵庫県立長田高等学校 特別講義 2022.09
Audience: High school students
Type:Visiting lecture
Role(s): Lecturer
愛知県立岡崎高等学校 SSH特別講義 2022.05
Audience: High school students
Type:Visiting lecture
Role(s): Lecturer
愛知県立一宮高等学校 SSH特別講義 2021.12
Audience: High school students
Type:Visiting lecture