論文 - 伊藤 嘉浩
Comparison of WebQoE between 6to4 and Teredo 査読あり 国際誌
Tomohiko Mizoguchi,Yoshihiro Ito
Proceedings of 2015 International Conference on Information and Communication Technology Convergence (ICTC) 576 - 578 2015年10月
記述言語:英語 掲載種別:研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス)
This paper compares two methods of IPv4/IPv6 coexistence from the point of view of WebQoE (Quality of Experience for Web services) by experiment. The authors adopt 6to4 and Teredo as methods of the coexistence. Almost all of the methods of the coexistence degrade QoS(Quality of Service) owing to their overheads. Consequently, they can also degrade WebQoE. However, the difference of the effect of QoS deterioration on QoE is not clarified. This paper evaluates QoS and WebQoE under both of the environment with 6to4 and that with Teredo. In the experiment, the authors utilize three actual Web services. From the experimental results, the authors confirm that both of 6to4 and Teredo degrade QoS but find the difference between effect on WebQoE with 6to4 and that of Teredo depends on Web services.
Development of Wireless LAN Base Station with Web-QoE Based QoS Control 査読あり 国際誌
Shiho Asano,Yoshihiro Ito
Proceedings of 2015 International Conference on Information and Communication Technology Convergence (ICTC) 5 - 7 2015年10月
記述言語:英語 掲載種別:研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス) 出版者・発行元:IEEE
control and evaluate its performance by experiment. By adapting a statistical characteristic of Web service traffic to QoS control, the base station can keep high QoE without worsening of congestion over wireless LAN; it is implemented by adopting two technologies: OpenFlow and WMM. In the experiment, the authors treat three actual Web services and assess QoE for them. From the experimental results, the authors show the effectiveness of the developed base station.
Study on effect of congestion control of multipath TCP on Web-QoE 査読あり 国際誌
Yasuomi Muraki,Yoshihiro Ito
Proceedings of 2015 IEEE 4th Global Conference on Consumer Electronics (GCCE) 52 - 53 2015年10月
記述言語:英語 掲載種別:研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス) 出版者・発行元:IEEE
This paper studies effect of congestion control of Multipath TCP(MPTCP) on QoE by experiments for Web services. In the experiment, the authors treat three congestion controls of MPTCP: TCP NewReno, TCP Vegas and MPTCP LIA and target two actual Web services; they utilize the Web usability as QoE parameters. The experimental results show that the difference of congestion control can affect QoS but cannot affect Web-QoE very much.
Study of Web Service Estimation Using Only Ethernet Frame Header or IP Packet Header 査読あり 国際誌
Daichi Sugita,Yoshihiro Ito
Proceedings of 2015 IEEE 4th Global Conference on Consumer Electronics (GCCE) 93 - 94 2015年10月
記述言語:英語 掲載種別:研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス) 出版者・発行元:IEEE
This paper proposes a Web service estimation method by using only Ethernet frame header or IP packet header and confirms effectiveness of the method by experiment. Within the frame header of packet header, the proposed method uses only information that is not encrypted, such as the length. Therefore, the method can be applied to secure communication. This paper does experiments for 18 Web services, and confirms the effectiveness of the proposed method.
Effect of QoS degradation on Parallax Effect in Web Services 査読あり 国際誌
Yuna Adachi, Yoshihiro Ito
Proceedings of 2015 IEEE 4th Global Conference on Consumer Electronics (GCCE) 1 - 2 2015年10月
記述言語:英語 掲載種別:研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス) 出版者・発行元:IEEE
This paper studies an effect of QoS degradation on the parallax effect for Web services by experiment. In the experiment, the authors consider 23 actual Web services and assess QoE of them. The experimental results show that, even if QoS is deteriorated, the parallax effect can be maintained for some services. Moreover, the authors study the characteristics of such the services and find common characteristics of them. From these results, the authors suggest that if we make Web pages with the parallax effect properly, they can become tolerant to QoS degradation.
Assessment of Sense of Presence for 3D IP Phone Service Under Actual Environments 査読あり 国際誌
Minoru Tsubota,Yoshihiro Ito
Proceedings of 2015 IEEE 4th Global Conference on Consumer Electronics (GCCE) 3 - 4 2015年10月
記述言語:英語 掲載種別:研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス) 出版者・発行元:IEEE
This paper assesses the sense of presence for the 3D IP phone service with the binaural recording by experiments under actual environments. In the experiments, the authors consider seven actual environments where we meet in our daily life. The experimental results show that, under the actual environments, the 3D IP phone service can give higher sense of presence than a monaural IP phone even if it utilize a low bit-rate coding. Consequently, the authors confirm the practicality of our 3D IP phone service.
A Method of Evaluating Effect of QoS Degradation on Multidimensional QoE of Web Service with ISO - based Usability 査読あり
Daisuke Yamauchi, Yoshihiro Ito
International Journal of Computer Networks & Communications 7 ( 1 ) 19 - 33 2015年01月
記述言語:英語 掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)
A Method of QoE Management in Online Shopping Web Services with TCP Variables 査読あり 国際誌
Daisuke Yamauchi, Yoshihiro Ito,Toru Tahara
Internetworking Indonesia Journal 2015年01月
記述言語:英語 掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌) 出版者・発行元:IIJ
For service level agreement over company networks or community ones, this paper proposes a simple method of QoE evaluation with objective TCP variables in an online shopping Web service for SLM. It also confirms the effectiveness by experiment. In this experiment, the authors measure 31 variables concerned with TCP performance and assess user’s satisfaction as a QoE parameter for three actual shopping Web services. Then, to clarify relationship between the user’s satisfaction and the objective TCP variables, they utilize multivariate statistics: the principal component analysis and the multiple regression analysis. The experimental results show that the user-satisfaction can be easily estimated with three or four objective TCP variables in the online shopping service.
Evaluation of QoE of Web services on a mobile host over a wireless LAN by simulator/emulator system 査読あり
Masaki Shibata, Yoshihiro Ito, Ryosuke Koshimura
Proceedings of 2014 International Conference on Information and Communication Technology Convergence 77 - 81 2014年10月
記述言語:英語 掲載種別:研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス)
This paper studies a method of assessing QoE of Web services on a mobile host over a wireless LAN. To perform QoE assessment, the authors utilize their integrated simulator/emulator system. This experiment assumes six scenarios where pedestrians assess Web services while moving. The authors treat a shopping service and a Wiki service as target Web services and consider Web usability as QoE. The experimental results do not confirm that degradation of QoE depends on that of QoS. Consequently, it is inevitable to assess actual QoE and the integrated simulator/emulator system is effective in performing such assessment.
Evaluation of Relationship between QoS and QoE for Web Services Considering the Hierarchical Structure with Principal Component Analysis and Path Analysis 査読あり
Ryosuke Koshimura, Yoshihiro Ito
Proceedings of 2014 20th Asia-Pacific Conference on Communications 100 - 105 2014年10月
記述言語:英語 掲載種別:研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス)
Assessment of VoIP phone service with binaural 3D audio for multiple sound sources 査読あり
Minoru Tsubota, Yoshihiro Ito, Ryo Murakami
Proceedings of 2014 IEEE 3rd Global Conference on Consumer Electronics 660 - 661 2014年10月
記述言語:英語 掲載種別:研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス)
This paper assesses the 3D sound IP phone service (3D IP phone) developed by the authors under environment with multiple sound sources by experiment. The assessment consists of evaluation of the sound source localization, subjective evaluation and objective one. The authors utilize two sound sources that are conversations carried on by a man and a woman. From the experimental results, this paper shows that multiple sound sources can promote listener's reproduction of sound images. This means that the proposed system can give the higher feeling of being in more real environment.
Assessment of sense of presence for 3D IP phone service 査読あり
Ryo Murakami, Yoshihiro Ito
Proceedings of 2014 IEEE 3rd Global Conference on Consumer Electronic 567 - 570 2014年10月
記述言語:英語 掲載種別:研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス)
This paper assesses the sense of presence for the 3D audio VoIP phone service with the binaural recording which is proposed by the authors by experiment. In the experiment, the authors use sounds recorded with actual heads, and evaluate the sense of presence and the sound source localization. The experimental results show the subjects can perceive high sense of presence by using our service. Moreover, they also indicate that the difference of actual heads for recording affect both the sense of presence and sound source localization.
A study of effect of MPTCP on Web usability 査読あり
Daisuke Yamauchi, Yoshihiro Ito
Proceedings of 2014 IEEE 3rd Global Conference on Consumer Electronic 12 - 15 2014年10月
記述言語:英語 掲載種別:研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス)
This paper studies an effect of utilization of Multi-Path TCP (MPTCP) on QoE for Web services. The authors consider the Web usability as QoE and assess it by experiments with subjects; they compare the results of MPTCP with those of TCP. The experimental results show the followings. Indeed the utilization of MPTCP can provide higher QoS of the target Webservices than that of TCP, but it does not always improve QoE.
Empirical Study on Clarification of Relationship Between QoS and QoE for Web Services by Path Analysis 査読あり
Ryosuke Koshimura, Yoshihiro Ito
Proceedings of 2014 IEEE 3rd Global Conference on Consumer Electronics 10 - 11 2014年10月
記述言語:英語 掲載種別:研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス)
This paper empirically studies clarification of complex relationships between hierarchical QoS and QoE for Web services with the method using the path analysis. In the experiment, the authors treat three Web services and consider 10 parameters of three-layered QoS and four QoE parameters; they suggest a new model for a path diagram. The obtained path diagrams give high goodness-of-fit, 0.916, 0.915, and 0.902, and can clarify the QoS-QoE relationships.
Effect of QoS Degradation Caused by 6to4 and IPsec on QoE for Web Services 査読あり
Tomohiko Mizoguchi, Yoshihiro Ito
Proceedings of 2014 IEEE 3rd Global Conference on Consumer Electronics 5 - 9 2014年10月
記述言語:英語 掲載種別:研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス)
This paper assesses influence of QoS degradation caused by 6to4 and IPsec on QoE of Web services by experiment. Since utilization of 6to4 and IPsec requires some overheads, QoS degradation caused by them is inevitable. The degradation can also deteriorate QoE of the Web service, but the affect of the degradation has not been clarified. From the experimental results, the authors confirm QoS degradation but see little QoE deterioration. This implies 6to4 and IPSec are usable from a user's point of view.
Study of necessary number of simultaneous TCP connections in Web client by Web-QoE assessment 査読あり
Daisuke Yamauchi, Yoshihiro Ito
Proceedings of 2013 International Conference on ICT Convergence 234 - 237 2013年10月
記述言語:英語 掲載種別:研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス)
This paper studies the necessary number of simultaneous TCP connections in a Web client for high Web-QoE. Currently, many Web browsers use multiple TCP connections simultaneously for effective data transmission. However, more simultaneous TCP connections make more establishments/closes of connections and do not always give higher quality of a Web service because users often access to the Web services interactively. Moreover, increase of simultaneous TCP connections causes high load of a Web server. That is, there exist a necessary number of simultaneous TCP connections. The authors assess the necessary number of TCP connections for an online shopping Web service by experiment; here, they utilizes two psychophysical methods: the rating scale method and the method of the limit. From experimental results, they show that the necessary number of simultaneous TCP connections for high TCP throughput is not always the same as that for high Web-QoE.
Development of Web-QoE evaluation system for wireless LAN with combination of simulator and network emulator 査読あり
Ryosuke Koshimura, Yoshihiro Ito
Proceedings of 2013 IEEE 2nd Global Conference on Consumer Electronics 431 - 432 2013年10月
記述言語:英語 掲載種別:研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス)
This paper shows development of a system for assessment of Web-QoE over wireless LANs. By simulation, we can easily consist various types of experimental networks, such as a wireless network, but cannot perform Web-QoE (Quality of Experience of Web services) assessment. On the other hand, we can utilize a network emulator to assess Web-QoE instead of using actual networks. However, such a network emulator cannot imitate many kinds of networks flexibly. Thus, the authors have developed a new system by combining a simulator with a network emulator. This paper confirms that this system is effective in assessment of Web-QoE by experiment.
Assessment of sound source localization and subjective quality for VoIP phone service with binaural 3D audio 査読あり
Ryo Murakami, Yoshihiro Ito
Proceedings of 2013 IEEE 2nd Global Conference on Consumer Electronics 142 - 146 2013年10月
記述言語:英語 掲載種別:研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス)
This paper studies the feasibility of a VoIP phone service with binaural 3D audio. For this purpose, the paper evaluates it with the objective and subjective evaluation that are for the legacy IP phone services by experiment. Moreover, it assesses the sound source localization, which is inherent in evaluation of 3D audio, for the service. By experiment, the authors show that ITU-T G.711 is better than Speex for the encoding of the service; consequently, they indicate the service is feasible over the Internet.
Evaluation of relationship between network performance and Web usability considering the hierarchical structure of the QoS with path analysis 査読あり
Yosuke Nomura, Yoshihiro Ito
Proceedings of 2013 IEEE 2nd Global Conference on Consumer Electronics 518 - 519 2013年10月
記述言語:英語 掲載種別:研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス)
As web services run on the Internet, the deterioration communication quality on the Internet has a great influence on Web usability. The communication quality(QoS) has a hierarchical structure because the Internet architecture is also hierarchical. This paper studies the relationship between multiple communication quality evaluations between layers, including quality of experience. In order to do so, we propose the evaluation method by using path analysis to evaluate the effects on Web usability. The experimental results show that satisfaction, one of the scales for Web usability, has a strong relationship with the number of packet retransmission per unit time in TCP layer and it was influenced by packetloss in IP layer indirectly. As a consequence, we confirmed the effectiveness of the evaluation method by using path analysis.
Effect of network performance degradation on web usability over 6to4 networks 査読あり
Ryo Koyashiki, Yoshihiro Ito
Proceedings of 2013 IEEE 2nd Global Conference on Consumer Electronics 516 - 517 2013年10月
記述言語:英語 掲載種別:研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス)
6to4 is one of the transitional technologies for coexistence of IPv4 and IPv6 and uses tunneling. Using 6to4, however, communication quality is degraded due to overhead of tunneling. In this paper, we investigate the effect of the degradation of communication quality in 6to4 on Web usability that is user experience quality of the Web service. From experimental results, we found that the effect of Web usability due to degradation of 6to4 depends on Web service.